Date Severity Status Feedback
Mar 28 2019 4:06PM Normal Acknowledged cation then anion ammonium NH4+ acetate C2H3O2- ammonium acetate: NH4C2H3O2 You are not in kindergarten, why are you ALPHABETIZING molecular structures????
Like most chemical databases, we use Hill notation ( for molecular formulae. The intention is simply to record the empirical formula, not to convey any structural information.
Jun 4 2009 12:33PM Normal Acknowledged Wouldn't this exist in equlibrium with the charged species AcO- NH4+? Should this be indicated somewhere?
This would exist in the equilibrium that you describe, however that representation would have a different InChI and therefore be a different record in ChemSpider. It is possible to link the two records using a redirect if you wish.