Date Severity Status Feedback
Jul 8 2015 2:00PM Normal Acknowledged The experimental flashpoint for ethanal appears to have been incorrectly extracted from Alfa Aesar. The -27 degrees C is correct, which is -17 degrees F. The data at the URL should explain they parsing problem. Thanks in advance,
I've now corrected this.
Jul 8 2015 1:57PM Normal Fixed The chemspider record for ethanal (acetaldehyde) appears to contain references to the Alfa Aesar entry for metaldehyde, which is a different compound. Metaldehyde is a fairly safe solid, but acetaldehyde is a highly flammable liquid. Thanks in advance,
Thanks for pointing this out. I have now moved the incorrectly mapped property data and reference to the correct record, which can be found here:
Apr 15 2012 7:44PM Normal Fixed Please note that under Ethanal names there are several names pertaining to ChemSpider ID: 54981 Nikolai Chernev
The record has been curated to remove these incorrect synonyms, thank you for your feedback