Date Severity Status Feedback
Oct 14 2015 9:47PM Normal Acknowledged What are sample prices on the UWA-101?
ChemSpider is an aggregator of information and we do not sell chemicals. However, many of our data suppliers are vendors. If you find the record for a compound in ChemSpider, any information we have about commercial suppliers will be displayed in the Chemical Vendors tab. You will find the name of the supplier (which acts as a link to their website homepage) and catalog number which will often act at a link through to the product page on the vendor’s website where you can find more information. Unfortunately, we do not have any vendors on this record. However, more data is being added all the time, so it may be worth your while to check back regularly.
Feb 11 2014 3:53PM Normal Acknowledged where is uwa-101 available in powder form? any feedback will be greatly appreciated
Thank you for contacting us. ChemSpider is an aggregator of information and we do not sell chemicals. However, many of our data suppliers are vendors. If you find the record for a compound in ChemSpider any information about we have about commercial suppliers will be displayed in the Chemical Vendors infobox – you will find a the name of the supplier (which acts as a link to their website homepage) and catalog number which will often act at a link through to the product page on the vendors’ website where you can find more information. In this case it appears that there are currently no vendors, and the only datasource is wikipedia.