Date Severity Status Feedback
Oct 9 2019 3:57AM Normal Acknowledged L-(+)-tartaric c4h606 Can u get this pls?
ChemSpider is an aggregator of information and we do not sell chemicals. However, many of our data suppliers are vendors. If you find the record for a compound in ChemSpider, any information we have about commercial suppliers will be displayed in the Chemical Vendors infobox. You will find the name of the supplier (which acts as a link to their website homepage) and catalog number which will often act at a link through to the product page on the vendor’s website where you can find more information.
Aug 6 2013 5:28PM Normal Acknowledged Merck Millipore product specification (pdf) shows optical activity is +12 to +13 at 20 deg C
Thank you for your feedback. I have corrected this data - looks like we had the degrees celsius mixed up with the degrees of rotation.