Date Severity Status Feedback
Jul 31 2019 7:14PM Normal Acknowledged Cholesterol is a cardiac substance that stops the heart.
Mar 24 2016 9:41PM Normal Acknowledged This molecule is made in cells in Humans for the construction of cell membranes. It is essential to the Human Endocrine systems. You list the so-called "Statin drugs". A "Drug used to protect and control cholesterol in forms that may cause strokes, Heart attacts etc in vulnerable people eg Diabetics" It is not sensible Science to blame or control Cholesterol in any way.
I'm afraid that I don't understand what aspect of this ChemSpider record you are discussing. If you think that there is some information on this record that is incorrect please email us with some clarification.
Jul 23 2009 5:18PM Normal Rejected the beginning of the wikipedia entry has .]] Chloesterol. This is possibly relate to the fact that the entry has a notification before the entry text. Is it possible to hide this?
No..this would have to be edited on the Wikipedia site and we would need to reload the header. We do not allow editing of the header directly