Date Severity Status Feedback
Jun 3 2020 9:47PM Normal Acknowledged Please add safety profile Info as there are people Nootropic smart drug advocates recommending it be ingested “Safety Profile Poison by ingestion,intraperitoneal, intravenous, and subcutaneous routes.Human systemic effects: cyanosis, blood changes.Experimental reproductive effects. Mutation datareported. When heated to decomposition it emits verytoxic fumes of NOx, SOx, and Veterinary Drugs and Treatments Methylene blue is used primarily for treating methemoglobinemia secondary to oxidative agents (nitrates, chlorates) in ruminants. It is also employed occasionally as adjunctive or alternative therapy for cyanide toxicity. Intra-operative methylene blue is also being used to preferentially stain islet-cell tumors of the pancreas in dogs in order to aid in their surgical removal or in determining the animal’s prognosis. Purification Methods Crystallise the chloride from 0.1M 664 2HCl (16mL/g), the crystals are separated by centrifugation, washed with chilled EtOH and diethyl ether, and dried under vacuum. Crystallise it from 50% aqueous EtOH, wash it with absolute EtOH, and dry it at 50-55o for 24hours. It has also been crystallised from *benzene/MeOH (3:1). It has been salted out with NaCl from a commercial concentrated aqueous solution, then crystallised from water, and dried at 100o in an oven for 8-10hours. [Beilstein 27 III/IV 5152.]“
Thank you for all of this information.
May 1 2017 7:45PM Normal Acknowledged Merck Index advertisement covers your valuable information. Can't even see the mollecular formula or mass
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Apr 27 2010 5:36PM Normal Acknowledged Papers to add: On the “concentration-driven” methylene blue dimerization P.A.R. Tafulo*, R.B. Queirós, G. González-Aguilar**Spectrochimica Acta Part A 73 (2009) 295–300 J. Braz. Chem. Soc., Vol. 21, No. 4, 694-700, 2010. A Comparative Study of Irradiation Systems for Photoinactivation of Microorganisms Lucas F. de Paula, Renata O. Santos, Henrique D. Menezes, Jonas R. de Britto, João B. Vieira Jr., Paulo P. Gontijo Filhoc and Carlos A. de Oliveiraa
Papers added