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Jun 21 2013 12:12PM Normal New The melting point of Diethyl carbonate is frequently referred to in the literature as -43 degC. Recently, we conducted some DSC experiments which produced a melting point of around -754degC. The instrument was confirmed to be in calibration and we began a literature hunt. We found 2 papers by Michael S. Ding(ref.1 and 2), describing experimental procedures by DSC, in which he also found the melting point of diethyl carbonate as -74.3degC, confirming our result. One of the main references for the -43degC melting point of diethyl carbonate is in french and dates back to the 1930's (ref 3). Suppliers of Diethyl carbonate list the melting point at -43degC (lit), but in some literature where the melting point is analysed during the experimental it is reported as -74degC. How can we go about rectifying or highlighting this? References 1. M.S. Ding et al, J. Elec. Soc. 148 (2001) A299-A304. 2. M.S. Ding et al, J. Chem. Eng. Data 49 (2004) 276-282. 3. M.J. Timmermans, Hennaut-Roland M.: Travaux du bureau international d'etalons physico-chimiques IV Etude des constantes physiques de vingt composes organiques. J.Chim.Phys. 27 (1930) 401-442